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1-3, Cathcart Rd,  Glasgow

G42 7BE

0141 420 1530

Area of Glasgow: Southside

This pub is included in 1 user created pub crawl

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Photo of The Brazen Head
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  • Dogs Are AllowedDogs Allowed
  • DancefloorDancefloor
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Your Ratings
3.5/5 (28 Votes)
1 5
3.6/5 (26 Votes)
1 5
Beer Quality:
3.6/5 (27 Votes)
1 5
Drinks Selection:

(real ales, wine etc)

3.5/5 (27 Votes)
1 5

Near By Pubs

Nearest first: The Kiloran Bar

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23/07/2010 12:48:42

Reviewed by:
Captain Haggis

There is no need to go to Switzerland for an assisted suicide attempt, simply pop Into the Brazen Head wearing a Union Jack holding a return rail ticket to Larkahll and the locals will do the rest. A Celtic bar and it's great for fans of the team (they are usually the better funof the old firm pair) but if your not a fan, then seriously avoid.

[report for removal]