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23 Crown Passage,  London


020 7930 4141

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Your Ratings
5.0/5 (1 Votes)
1 5
5.0/5 (1 Votes)
1 5
5.0/5 (1 Votes)
1 5
Beer Quality:
5.0/5 (1 Votes)
1 5
Drinks Selection:

(real ales, wine etc)

5.0/5 (1 Votes)
1 5

Near By Pubs

Nearest first: The Golden Lion, The S and P, Walkers of St James, The Chequers, The Blue Posts, The Clarence

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28/05/2011 10:44:06

Reviewed by:

Just found this fantastic pub across from St James's Palace. It's a lovely friendly and traditional little pub with friendly staff and great beer. A hidden gem!

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